Monday, January 9, 2017

The movie which fires women's imaginations

~Dirty Dancing~
''That was the summer of 1963, when everybody called me 'Baby' 
and it din't occur to me to mind.''

Baby (Jennifer Grey) is travelling with her family to Kellerman's resort. It appears to be a typical family holiday: boring dinners with family, silly activities.
While dancing, Baby's eyes are drawn to the professional dancer hired to entertain guests: Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze). He is dancing with penny Johnson who also happens to teach dancing in the resort. On the very same day, Baby helps one of the workers carry a watermelon to the emplyees' cabin. She wintesses some bumping and grinding. Not only is this is the moment where Baby's path crosses with Johnny's, but also the story takes off. 

This scene where Baby and Johnny are singing and dancing at the same time, was not supposed to be in the film. Actors were fooling around when the camera was on. The director did commend the scene, that he decided to place it in the film. 

She is like a wind song is performed by Patrick Swayze himself. He wrote it for his beloved wife. 

When in 1987, the film was shown to one of the greatest directors, he said: '' Burn the negative and pick your insurance.'' He thought that it was worthless.

Dirty Dancing is one of the most romantic films of all time.

Task: Watch the film and write a review (300 words). Do yout think that Dirty Dancing is a all time film or a total flop?

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