Friday, November 25, 2016

Gone with the Wind

          ~ Timeless American Movie ~

'' Gone with the Wind'' is a romance film from 1939, adapted from novel with the same title. It was written by Margaret Mitchell in 1936.
The story takes place in the southern United States in state of Georgia, during American Civil War (1861-65). The main character Scarlett O'Hara falls in love with Ashley Wilkes, who unfortunately marries his beautiful and fragile cousine Melania Hamilton. Scarlett cannot accept the fact of rejection by Ashley, because with her beauty she could have any boy she desired. Then, on the horizon Rhett Butler shows up, who has the worst reputation in the South.  Scarlett and Rhett get married and shortly after they have a daughter: Eugenia Victoria called dimunitively Bonnie Blue. Unfortunately, the girl dies in the accident when riding a horse. Scarlett accuses Rhett of not watching Bonnie while horse riding, consequently accusing him of killing their daughter. 

At the end of the novel, there is a scene where Melania was at the deathbed, enlightening Scarlett that Rhett loved her very much and that she should fight for him. Eventually, after all those years Scarlett realised, that she did not love Ashley, but only the illusion from the past. 

“I loved something I made up, something that's just as dead as Melly is. I made a pretty suit of clothes and fell in love with it. And when Ashley came riding along, so handsome, so different, I put that suit on him and made him wear it whether it fitted him or not. And I wouldn't see what he really was. I kept on loving the pretty clothes—and not him at all.”

The novel ends with Rhett leaving South ans Scarlett's words which became the most popular quote and often repeated by the readers. 

''I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all...tomorrow is another day.''

  • Even though in the book Scarlett's eyes were "pale green without a touch of hazel," Vivien Leigh's eyes were actually blue. When possible, they adjusted the lighting to make her eyes look green.
  • Although this is his most famous film, Clark Gable disliked this movie greatly. He said it was a "ladies' picture."
  • None of the scenes were actually filmed in the south, except for a few of the opening credits
  • Vivien Leigh hated the kissing scenes with Clark Gable. She said that his breath smelled terrible. This is probably because he had false teeth, a result of excessive smoking
  • Margaret Mitchell's original name for Scarlett was "Pansy," and her original name for Tara was    "Fountenoy Hall." Gladly, she changed them.

Task: Prepare a presentation about your favourite film. It should last 5 minutes and include titbits. 


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