Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump's view on immigration


In 9.11.2016 the 45th president of America was chosen - Donald J. Trump. But before he was elected he had made many campaign promises that convinced voters to elect him. Many of his promises were conected with immigration.

Since 11/09 there is a great fear of terrorism and consequently immigration. After many terrorists attack in Europe this fear deepened and become irrational to some extent.

But first let's look at data!  In 2014, 1.3 million foreign-born individuals moved to the United States. India was the leading country of origin for new immigrants, with 147,500, followed by China with 131,800, Mexico with 130,000, Canada with 41,200, and the Philippines with 40,500. The total of American population was 308,745,538 in 2010.

Donald Trump wants to cut immigration and he is escpecially interested in Mexicans and Muslims. He wants to build a great wall along a southern border that will be paid by Mexico. He claims that Latin Americans that come to the USA are criminals, drug dealers, rapist. He intends to ban and prohibit any Muslims to come or immigrate to America claming that they pose a threat for American citizens. 

But let's be honest. Are we sure that immigrants cause all problems in USA? All this mass attacks in which many people are killed? Do remember that we are all humans and instead of building walls we should destroy them and instead of creating superficial differences we should work and cooperate with each other. Watch this short movie and decide by yourself,

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