Saturday, December 31, 2016

Is sudoku making you thiner

It turns out that during one hour devoted to sudoku or crosswords we can burn more calories than there are found in chocolate drink. Some time ago it was proven that excercicing ones mind with puzzle or quizes burns 90 calories in an hour.

Scientists have discovered that mental effort helps us with burnig calories as effectivly as manual one. Our brain requires at least 0,1 calorie per minute so it can last and function normally. If we do something that demands psychical efford, eg. jigsaw puzzle, we burn 1,5 calorie every minute.

Human brain contains of milions of neurones, which comunicate with each other. They produce chemical compounds called neurotransmitters, that <regulują> flow of information. Neurones to build proper neurotransmitter need 75% of glucose found in calories and 20% of oxygen from blood.

When we face some difficult task, eg. solving sudoku or crosswords, our brain needs larger amount of glucose and that means larger amount of calories.

To have good condition our body needs regular exercises. And that is also truth for our brain. To keep it mentaly fit you have to constanty put some effort in it.

TASK: Decribe you favourite exercise (mental or manual) and say why do you like it.

Whan about Star Wars VIII?

As we probably all know, few days ago one of the main characters of the Star Wars saga and at the same time woman of many abilities, Carrie Fisher, died after four days of strugle for her life. Many of us started to worry about next episode of the great saga - its air date and script changes this event may have caused.

Contrarty to all the concerns, everything seems to be in the right order. We will see Carrie Fisher in the 8th episode. That is because she managed to tape all her shots before her death. That means that she won't follow in Han Solo's footsteps, at least not until 9th episode.
What is more, according to current script, general Leia will play much more meaningful part in the next year's spectacle than in 'The Force Awakens".

This all, unfortunately, does seem nothing much to all faithful Star Wars saga fans. Lost of Carrie Fisher is not only a lost of one of the main charcters. She was irreplaceable not only because of her acting abilities but also because of her extraordinary intuition when it comes to scriptwriting. We will all truly miss her.

QUESTIONS: What is your favourite movie or TV show? What is it about? Why you like it?


You drink it every morning. Sometimes you almost literary melt over its smell and taste. But heve you ever wondered where it comes from? Who discovered it? We are of course speaking of... coffee. Don't forget to make yourself one cup before reading any further. :)

1. Coffee is a fruit
Yes, that's right. Coffee beans are in fact berry pips. Coffee berries are edible fruits, which grow on coffee tree. But the pips are what we use to create black brew.

2. Until death... or lack of coffee parts us
As we all know morning coffee is what helps bulding relations. But formely in Turkey a husband was responsible for provision of coffee supplies for his wife. If he ever neglected this duty, the case could end up in divorce.

3. Brasil is the largest coffee producer in the world
In 2011 Brasil produced over twice as much coffee as Wietnam and Columbia together. Invariably, for 150 years third part of coffee in the world. At the same time, it is the only country in the world that produces as well Arabica and Robusta.

4. In order to overdose caffeine you would have to drink 100 cups of coffee or 60 espressos
Unbelivable! Usually after 3-4 cups ones eyes are very wide open and shivers start. Can you imagine what could happen after 90?

5. There are two types of coffee beans
Arabica and Robusta, that is what they're called. They have different taste and caffeine content. Arabica is much more popular - its drunk by 70% of coffee-drinkers. Robusta has not so many lovers, although it contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica.

6. First web-cam was created in order to monitor coffee level in a pot on Cambrige University
In 1991 this device was used by eployees of IT Department to check if their coffe pot already needs refilling or not.

7. The word 'coffee' comes from Arabic 'qahhwat al-bun', what means 'wine from the pips'

8. Coffee is second the most wanted commodity and second most important drink in the world.

9. Coffee was orignaly a food
First African tribes did not create caffeine drinks like we do. Their 'coffee' was the beans mixed with fat. That way they created something called 'energetic balls', which they consumed in order to 'power up'

10. Coffee was discovered by... GOATS
According to legends, this magnificent brew was discovered by Etiopian shephard. He saw goats dancing after consumption of coffee berries.

TASK: What is your favourite drink? Decribe it's history.

New Year 2017 - when it starts according to Chineese, Jewish and other calendars.

New year 2017 is near ahead us. But do you know when the new year starts to other religions, countries and cultures? When is the New Year for users of other than our calendar? Check it out!

When do we start New Year 2017? It is such a silly question, isn't it? But it is only for our culture that we celebrate in on first of January.

According to jewish calendar it year 5777 now. Its inauguration is Rosh Hashanah (literary meaning 'the begining'). It commemorates the begining of the world and cration of Adam and Eve. According to their beliefs on that day God looks through the books, in which all deeds of human kins are inscribed. This year Rosh Hashanah was on second of October 2016. It is a two-day celebration.

In Chineese calendar New Year is a Festival of Spring. It is the most important of all the holidays (first three days of new year are . Next year in Chineese calendar will be a Rooster year and will start on 28th of January 2017.

Julian calendar, which <obowiązuje> in majority of Orthodox countries, differs from <gregoriański>. Traditional Orthodox new year's feast, which is called Malanek, takes place at night between 13th and 14th of January (according to our calendar).

In muslim countries new year starts on 21st of March. It is the feast of Nouruz (the first day of spring).

In Korea new year is celebrated on the day of Seollalm, which depends on lunisolar calendar.

TASK: Describe New Year's or New Year's Eve tradition that is present in you country.

Potted flowers, that are perfect for bedroom.

What kind of plants should I choose for the bedroom?
Preferably none - that's what some people may claim. Usually their argument is the fact that during the night they absorb oxygen and produce carbon dioxide and that may cause difficulties with breathing and impede falling asleep
It is all true. Luckily every rule has some exceptions. T here are plant species that produce oxygen during the night and absorb CO2. That is their way of adjusment to living in hot cimate conditions. Their presence in a bedroom will oxygenate the room and provide deep, relaxing sleep.

These plants are:

1. Aloe arborescens
It is a plant of many abilities. It has germicidal, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and fungicidal properies. It accelerates wound and burn healing.

2.  Schlumbergera
It is sometimes called Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus because it usually blooms at that perion of the year.

3. Sansevieria
In not only produces oxygen but also clarifies air from formaldehyde and benzene.

4. Spathiphyllum
Clarifies air from formaldehyde and benzene derivatives.

5. Orchis

6. Hatiora gaertneri
Also known as Easter cactus because it starts blooming period in April.

7. Crassula arborescens, or the silver dollar plant

8. Gerbera
Not only oxygenates and moistens air but also absorbs toxic formaldehyde.

1. What is your favourite plant and why?
2. What do you know about plants you keep at home?

New Year's Eve's Nigthmare

Not every tradition is in fact a tradition and not every tradition is good for everyone. Unfortunatelly many cultures maintain traditions that are even harmful esspecially for animals.

That is the case with loud celebrations of Christmas Eve, New Year Day and New Year's Eve. For large percentage of dogs New Year's Eve is one of the most frigthening nights in the whole year.

Every year, after fireworks displays, many of these animals are found on the steet simply because they escaped their homes. Then numerous desperate calls for help with finding the missing puppy can be seen. What is the worst there are even cases deaths from heart attacs amoung dogs.

Why are the dogs scared of fireworks?

One of the teories claims that the noise of firework causes increasing of the blood preasure in dog's ears and due to their enormous irritability provokes pain.

How to help my dog on New Year's Eve?

Unfortunatelly, the only thing we can do is minimalizing the stress our dogs have to come through.

Here are some helpful advices:

1. Get prepared. If it's possible ask your vet for tranquillizer. For many pets it is the best option because they let it sleep through the most stessful period.

2. Find a safe place, in which the dog can wait through the display. Preferably a room with covered windows, so the pet wouldn't see the flash of fireworks.

3. Turn on the TV or radio in order to drown out the bangs.

4. If the dog is willing to eat give it something tasty to chew.

5. Try to remain calm. Your mood is affects the mood of your pet. Do not try to calm down your dog by force. It will only show it that its fear is well-grounded.

What fireworks symbolize to people is fun. But to many animals they are pure nightmare.
Make a geasture! Don't buy fireworks this year!

TASK: Describe your experience with difficult for animals situations or events.

Christmas tree

Although Christmas has already passed many of us sill have some symbols of that special time in our homes. Probably the major one is Christmas tree. But do you know where the tradition of evergreen tree comes from and how was it introduced into traditional Christian feast?

In many cultures a tree, esspecially conifers, is considered the symbol of life and re-born, lasting and fertility.

As a Christmas tree it started to be used in 16th century. This tradition has it's begginings in Alsace, where the trees were dressed in paper and fruit decorations as a commemoration of Heavenly tree. Soon after, the custom was taken over by Catholic church, which spread it among Noth and Central Europe.

Symbolism of Christmas tree and the decorations has it's roots in folk tradition:
- Star of Bethlehem, which was put at the top of the tree since last century, was meant to help travellers come back home from remote places.
- Christmas lights has protected people from the dark forces. In Christian tradition it was a symbol of Christ, the ligth for Gentiles.
- Apples were symbolizing biblical fruit consumed by Adam and Eve.
- Nuts, usually covered with tinsel were belived to give weath and strength.
- Paper wreaths were a reminder of our sins which captivate us.
- Bells mean good news and joyful events.
- Angels were hanged on the Christmas tree to protect the house and all household .
- The tree itself symbolizes Christ as the Source of Life.

TASK: Describe some unique Christmas tradition you (your family/region/country) have.

XANAX - dangerous or lifesaving?

What is the America's most popular mind medicine? Obviously Xanax.

When it hit the market in the 1981, nobody knew it would be so popular. Before it came to its position, the number one med was Valium. However, it was unable to treat panic attacks. Xanax did it and sold like hotcakes. Cured panic attacks, depression, anxiety, neurosis and many more... How do it work? It simply suppress the output of neurotransmitters that interpret fear. Still, after three decades it remains the best selling mind medicine, topping more recently introduced sleeping pill Ambien or antidepressant Lexapro.
However, the things got really serious. Is it still a medicine or just a narcotic? Every year there are 50 million presciptions written by doctors for Xanax or alprazolam (a cheaper equivalent). That's more than one prescription every second. It is said that the nowadays lifestyle, especially American one, is so demanding for people, that they have to enhance theirselves.
However, there are also other reasons for its popularity. Mostly, recreational ones. Marijuana, tobacco or alcohol enhance the effect of the medication and get the person the the state of unconsiousness, or simply - high. Furthermore - it is extremely additive and should be taken temporarily, because its effects diminishes within time (totally uneffective after 6 months).

Task: Do a research on the most popular medications in your country. Are they overused and do you, perhaps, take one of them?

Perfect New Year's Eve Outfit

Here we are. We are wondering for hours what would the perfect outfit be.
We examine magazines, then shops, the Internet.

Honestly, I don't know what you should put on. I don't specialise in fashion, surely.
However, what you should NOT do is listed here.

Phoebe, this time you're not help.

1. If you want to feel comfortable, adjust to the character of the party. Don't stand out. 
Unless you're strong enough like Phoebe. 

2. Lingerie. Apparently JLo found herself somewhere on the beach, forgetting a bra, you should not. Don't forget about well-suited lingerie. 

3. Be your outfit non-ambiguous. I am not sure if it's pyjamas but surely it is not Hilton's stature-friendly.

Btw: as I was typing, bumped into this:
enjoy :)

4. If you're a dancer, give high-heels up. You will have been dead by midnight.
Unless you dance, you go girl!

5. I'm begging you now. Don't watch TV shows before NYE. This one was emitted in Poland, it is a cultural threat indeed. Please, don't exaggerate with your make-up. I know, it is one of the craziest nights, but try not to look like one of those poor models. 

To sum up: As I already have mentioned in previous post (see: hot or not) you are beautiful just the way you are right now. You want to look fancy, fine, but not ridiculous! Avoid those situations above. 

Task: Going to NYE party, wear something you will not regret, put a classy make-up on, make sure the lingerie is fine, consider the shoes. 

Macaroni and loooooots of cheese

If I were to choose one of the most American dishes - I would definately go for mac & cheese. The ultimate comfort food loved by all generations. What is surprising - the origins of it are undoubtedly Italian. There is a recipe in Latin coming from the thirteenth century cookbook Liber de CoquinaDe lasanis, as it is called there, are handmade and fresh pasta sheets cut in two-inch squares and tossed with grated cheese, most probably Parmesan. 
The recipe evolved throughout years, but how did it become so important in USA?
Thomas Jefferson is very often the one who is credited for bringing it to America. He dined on the dish when he was in Italy and loved it so much, that he took a pasta maker back with him. When his wife died, Mary Rudolph took over hostess duties at the White House. Some time later, she released a cookbook The Virginia Housewife that included a recipe for macaroni and Parmesan cheese.
However, the real popularity growth happened in 1937 (at the end of the Great Depression), when Kraft Foods introduced their Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner. It is a quick, filling and inexpensive way to family, as advertised "the housewife's best friend, a nourishing one pot meal". 8 million boxes were sold in the first year only. 

Task: Prepare your own Mac & Cheese using this quick and easy recipe below:

 Approx. 250g (8 oz) of elbow macaroni
1/4 cup of butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
black pepper to taste
2 cups of milk
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

  1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook elbow macaroni in the boiling water, stirring occasionally until cooked through but firm to the bite, 8 minutes. Drain.
  2. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat; stir in flour, salt, and pepper until smooth, about 5 minutes. Slowly pour milk into butter-flour mixture while continuously stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbling, about 5 minutes. Add Cheddar cheese to milk mixture and stir until cheese is melted, 2 to 4 minutes.
  3. Fold macaroni into cheese sauce until coated.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio born November 11, 1974 in Hollywood is an American actor and film producer. He is the only child of  Irmelin Inderbirken and former comic book artist George DiCaprio. 
  • nominated for six Academy Awards
  • won the Academy Award for Best Actor for The Revenant
  • founder of his own production company Appian Way Productions
DiCaprio's father is of Italian and German descent, his mother, who was born in Germany, is of Russian and German ancestry. DiCaprio's parents met while attending college, later moved to Los Angeles, California. 

DiCaprio was named leonardo, because when his mother was pregnant, she was looking at a DaVinci painting in a museum when he first kicked. 

In 1992, he had a breakthrough in his career, when he was handpicked by Robert de Niro out of 400 boys to play the lead role in This Boy's Life. 
Next year, he played a role a handicapped brother of Johnny Deep's character in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. The film became a huge success and DiCaprio was nominated for both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. 

The film Titanic made in 1997 transformed Leonardo into a commercial movie star, resulting in fan worship among teenage girls that became known as ''Leo-Mania''. 

The role of a stockbroker who was arrested in late 1990s for money laundering in Woolf of Wall Street made Leonardo win a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy. DiCaprio said that he was going to take a break from acting and would ''fly around the world doing good for the environment''.
Additionally, he's never done drugs, and had to speak to a drug expert to prepare for Wolf of Wall Street. 

The Revenant (2015) was received well by the critics. DiCaprio earned numerous awards, including his first at the Academy Awards in the Best Actor category. 

Find information about his environmental activism. Write a short essay about his involvement on that score. It should not be shorter thatn 200 words. 

A very last Christmas

I believe that about 70% of Brits had the same idea of a joke: Indeed, those were last christmas for George Michael. Well, I hope Americans are not that blunt. 

Instead of stupid jokes, we should think this positive figure over. 

He did not speak loud about it. Dead at the age of 53, George Michael was a philanthrope, willingly sharing his money with others, which turned out recently. 

Here, the great things he'd done are presented. 

1. Homeless shelter

George Michael supported a shelter for the homeless. Volunteers were asked for staying anonymous that is why Emilyne Mondo (one of the volunteers) twitted no sooner that he'd died. 


2. A paid-off-debt. 

Gratuitously, he helped a stranger in a bar as he saw her crying for she'd been having debts. 
He gave the waitress... 25 thousand dollars to give that poor woman as he leaves the bar. 
Speaks for itself. 

3. A help for a bartender in need. 

One day he gave a huge tip for a lady studying in a nursery school:

4. More than 2 million pounds for "Childline"

A charity that works 24h and helps children and teens. In this case, Michael wanted to remain anonymous again that is why the information has been brought out recently. A charity gig is planned as a "thank you, world, for Michael's life". 

5. Fight the famine in Africa.

Engaged with "Band Aid", he contributed to "Do They Know It's Christmas?", which benefited in 19 million pounds as to help children in Ethiopia.

6. Against the AIDS

For many years George Michael supported the charity organisations helping people suffering from AIDS or cancer, especially children. The representatives of foundations claim that he'd given several millions for those people. Again, did not wish to speak about it as he was alive. One of those was "Terrence Higgins Trust" helping the victims of AIDS.

7. ...
8. ...
9. ... We don't know. 

Yet, surely he'd done plenty of things we have no idea of. Next time you hum "Last Christmas" think he was not only a heart-breaker but heart-healer. 

A task to do: Ask God for heaven to this noble man. Do some good yourself. 

Assassinations Of African-American Activists

Assassinations Of African-American Activists

United States of America is a country which „unity” never was and still is not an easy and straightforward matter. Even our first associations with this country are mainly about varied society in different states. This is obviously connected with different origins of Americans which are most visible because of the skin colors. The constant fight between white and black people stems from an early stage of development of the USA and propagation of slavery.
However, the fight for blacks’ rights started to be really violent in the 50s and 60s so in the times of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. The African-American civil rights movement became a serious threat for Parliament. Race problem is so significant that whenever it is mentioned on the greatest scale - someone gets killed. It is not only in case of ordinary people but also politicians from the highest position. What is more, it is not limited to this period, when we notice that also Abraham Lincoln was shot because of his actions on abolishing the slavery. People always are silenced by an assassin and get shot. It is both really tragic and ironic how the issue is dealt with since shooting away anyone who causes problems seems to be in the range of possibilities. However the case of Malcolm Little, or Malcolm X as he preferred to be called, was of the highest significance because his death was more or less caused by his comment on John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the US president’s  assassination. 

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania malcolm x
Spike Lee’s film titled “Malcolm X” is a really detailed biography of Malcolm. It contains all of the most important events, and we see all different changes of values he undergoes. It ends with a really dramatic scene of his death. The one held responsible for the attack in the ballroom was Thomas Hagan, whose real name was Talmadge Hayer. He hit Malcolm 7 times using a shotgun. The film was based on Malcolm’s autobiography so it is based on the most believable source. For obvious reasons he had not wrote about his death but predicted it since several times before someone threatened him and once, shortly before his death at a rally of his followers in a ballroom in Washington Heights, someone attacked his home. He felt that people who wanted him dead were from Black Muslims Organization, which he left shortly before. They fell apart mainly because of his comment on the assassination of President Kennedy. He called it a case of ``chickens coming home to roost'' and an outgrowth of violence that whites had used against Negroes. He was suspended by Elijah Muhammad and then started his own movement but still remained loyal to his beliefs which were more than critical towards white people. It is really difficult to judge him based on Spike Lee’s adaptation. His character is really complex. However it is quite hard not to notice the irony between him and JFK. Malcolm X died from black man hands. In the end viewers get the impression that somehow his hatred and arrogance was punished.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania martin luther king

On the other hand, Martin Luther King’s beliefs and actions were totally different. His life was portrayed in a quite recent movie “Selma” directed by Avay DuVernay. In this movie we get a totally different type of activist – the passive resistance type. The impression we get of King is that he was the one who really inspired all African-Americans to unite and march from Selma to protest against oppression. When it comes to his death it is not presented, but only mentioned about at the end. King was shot in a more private occasion, while he was in a Lorraine Motel in Memphis with his associates. The assassin used a sniper rifle and because of that he was hard to capture at first. Really interesting thing is that the police arrived at the crime scene without being called for. He murderer was caught later on – it was James Earl Ray. Just like Malcom, King received numerous threats against his life. His situation was, however, quite different since his attitude was far less aggressive, he even was able to recruit white people who openly helped his cause. Unfortunately, they were killed too, like for example Viola Luizzo who was eliminated by Ku Klux Klan. The number of assassination attempts followed her case.
Two cases have something in common, but also differs significantly. Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were fighting for their rights, and they both were considered to be a huge danger for the authorities. They were observed and wiretapped almost all the time. Another, not so significant, similarity would be the fact that they died at the exact same age – 39. However, their deaths had somehow different impact on the society. When Malcolm X shared his fears of being killed, he was laughed off as a publicity act. When he died people were thinking mainly about how aggressive he was. On the other hand, King became a national hero, and it is his statue that Barack Obama have on his desk. Such thing was unimaginable back in King’s times.
Many people died for the cause of freedom. From perspective of today it seems that such sacrifice was almost necessary because it really got the movements publicity it deserved in the first place. We are not able to guess how would the things go down if both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were alive. The one thing we can obviously say – people who were responsible for the deaths of these iconic figures had lost their fight because of the killings.

1. Write an essay:
Compare situation of black people of America then and now. Try to explain the roots of the problem and present examples of racial discrimination in the US. Try to answer the question if the situation have changed, and if yes - explain how.

1) "American civil rights movement". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 13 sty. 2016

2) Malcolm X. Dir. Spike Lee. Prod. Spike Lee. By Spike Lee and Arnold Perl. Perf. Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett, Albert Hall, and Al Freeman. Warner Bros., 1992. DVD.

3) Peter Kihss. "How Race Is Lived In America." Editorial. The New York Times 22 Feb. 1965: n. pag. Malcom X Shot to Death at Rally Here. Web.

4) ‘’Death of a desperado’’ Newsweek, March 8, 1965, Copyright @ 1965, Newsweek.Inc.

5) Selma. Dir. Avay DuVernay. Screenplay by Paul Webb. Perf. David Oyelowo and Tom Wilkinson. Celador Films, 2014. DVD.

6) Berman, Elizabeth. "The Photograph That Captured the Horror of MLK’s Assassination." TIME Magazine. Time Inc., 3 Apr. 2015. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. <>.

7) Caldwell, Earl. "Martin Luther King Is Slain in Memphis; A White Is Suspected; Johnson Urges Calm." The New York Times (1968): n. pag. Web.

8) "Viola Liuzzo." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. 13 Jan. 2016 <>.

9) Bartlett, Karen. "Why Malcolm X Is Getting Written Out of History." Newsweek. N.p., 20 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. <>.

Thomas Jefferson as an iconic figure in the American history

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania thomas jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is a quite confusing character. In short summary, Thomas Jefferson is obviously well-known as  the draftsman of the most important piece of writing in American History – the Declaration of Independence of the United States. For that reason he will always be one of the most important figures of American history. He is admired for his political skills and literary knowledge which he proved while being the nation’s first secretary of state (1789–94), second vice president (1797–1801), and, as the third president. However, he has serious  flaws. As it was said, the fact that he was for example, owning multiple slaves is one of the things that are not really convenient for Americans to discuss.
Thomas Jefferson, was born in Virginia and died in the same state. United States has truly original origins of existence, it not so plain and simple to explain his nationality but we can say that he was a one proud American citizen. However, saying that would be underestimation because he was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America and this fact means that his children, the contemporary American society had inherited a lot from him including flaws. Nevertheless, all vices and advantages makes that nation as colorful as we see it today, and they are admired for that.
The distance between continents however, has caused Europeans to come up with several stereotypes about people from the New World. Since, they are only stereotypes they may not apply to everybody, but there is some truth in any of them. Stereotypes about Americans include such features as: unlimited love for freedom and democracy, strong patriotic feeling, optimism and generosity. When it comes to negative associations the list is longer and starts with racism and ends with obesity. The interesting and surprising thing is that Thomas Jefferson shares some of them, but to fully understand it we have to analyze his character.
When we present ourselves it is most crucial to make the good first impression, and with that in mind, the best way of introducing Thomas Jefferson’s vibrant character would be to start with his most appreciated features and the most important deeds. That in Thomas Jefferson’s case would be the input he made while writing the Declaration of Independence where he proved his skills and brilliance. He came up with truly modern and pure statements which perfectly fitted the Enlightenment Era. The Declaration justified the independence of the United States by listing colonial grievances against King George III, and by asserting certain natural and legal rights. The most significant is the second sentence of it: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This statement is still strongly remembered among American society and the Declaration of Independence stayed iconic to this day. That freedom – the strong feeling of independence and separation is really important and influenced their foreign policy later on, resulting with the not so pleasant outcome.
Furthermore, Thomas Jefferson also is remembered as a true patriot. It is obviously connected with the fact that he was a quite successful president and for all of his achievements during his presidency. Obviously, Americans would not be patriotic enough if they would not show it with adequate means. There, we encounter another significant American symbol, which is Mount Rushmore, surprisingly again connected with Jefferson.  The national treasure, nestled in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Mount Rushmore symbolizes freedom and hope for America. The southeastern face of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota’s Black Hills National Forest is the site of four gigantic carved sculptures depicting the faces of U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Mount Rushmore National Memorial, known as the “Shrine of Democracy,” has become one of the most iconic images of America and an international tourist attraction. Thus, it proves that America’s creations are mostly enormous and incredible. Now, this “patriotism” and the love for “democracy” is sometimes a cause to joke about. Another American symbol would be the bald eagle used by internet users as a reference in internet meme – “One-up America”. One-Up America is series featuring a photograph of a bald eagle in front of a United States flag with captions typically depicting American patriotism or hubris.
On the other hand, there is also a serious flaw, that nobody really wanted and still want to recognize, which is the matter of racism and slavery. The most unpleasant chapter from the American history and the main cause of the serious accusation against Thomas Jefferson. He is known to have a lot of slave workers and to also be in certain relationship with one of his slaves. This subject is difficult to analyze and agree to what should be done different. Jefferson’s times were different, and even if he was a modern thinker, he could not change his country completely. Abraham Lincoln did, and it didn’t end for him in the ideal way. Such social matters have to take time, and because of it we still observe some inequalities between races or nationalities in the USA.
In the end, it is not debatable that Thomas Jefferson was and still is a really influential figure in the American culture. It starts from his representation sculpted on the Mount Rushmore, and ends with his face presented on the nickel, the 5 cents coin. So he is, and still be important for his nation despite any “vices” which on the whole do not impair his other achievements.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania thomas jefferson note
Thomas Jefferson on a two dollars note.


Thomas Jefferson. Ken Burns. Sky 534 & Virgin Media 243. Film. <>
"Thomas Jefferson". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 25 lis. 2015
American Stereotypes. (2013, April 2013). Retrieved from
Forner, Eric. Give me Liberty!. New York, London: Norton & Company, 2008. Print.
Mount Rushmore. (2009). Retrieved from
One-Up America. Retrieved from

Must-See Places in America

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania GRAND CANYON

Measuring approximately 277 miles in length, up to 18 miles in width and a mile deep, this massive chasm in northern Arizona is truly a natural wonder. For six million years, the Grand Canyon has expanded with the help of the Colorado River, and for centuries, people from all over the globe have traveled to see it (around 4.5 million per year).


Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania maui

For many Hawaii vacationers, Maui is just right — offering a taste of just about everything the Aloha State has to offer, from impressive wildlife to intriguing history and culture. While on a visit here, you can shimmy alongside professional hula dancers, golf along coastal fairways, snorkel alongside five different types of sea turtles or simply lounge along some of Hawaii's most notable beaches.


Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania yellowstone

With dramatic peaks and pristine lakes, Yellowstone is an outdoor enthusiast's paradise. Multicolored pools swirl around hot springs; verdant forests weave past expansive meadows; and volatile geysers launch streams of steaming water toward the sky. Nowadays, there's no doubt that the park is indeed extraordinary. While you walk through the park's 3,000-plus square miles of mountains, canyons, geysers and waterfalls, be prepared to share the trails with permanent residents like buffalo, elk and sometimes even grizzlies.


Podobny obraz

One of California's most beautiful natural landscapes, Yosemite National Park features nearly 1,200 square miles of sheer awe: towering waterfalls, millennia-old Sequoia trees, daunting cliff faces and some of the most unique rock formations in the United States. But despite its enormous size, most of the tourist activity takes place within a 7-square-mile area of Yosemite Valley. Even inexperienced hikers can enjoy Yosemite: Guided tours and climbing lessons are available from local adventure outfitters. Just don't expect to experience it by yourself. Like so many other American tourist destinations, crowds are the biggest obstacles to an enjoyable Yosemite vacation – at least 4 million people visit each year.


Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania san francisco

A jumbled collage of colorful neighborhoods and beautiful views, San Francisco draws those free-spirited types who have an eye for edgy art, a taste for imaginative cuisine and a zeal for adventure. It's really not surprising that songwriter Tony Bennett left his heart here: The city boasts jaw-dropping sights, world-class cuisine, cozy cafes and plenty of booming nightlife venues — there's no shortage of ways to stay busy here. Spend an hour or two sunning yourself alongside sea lions on the bay, admiring the views of the city from Twin Peaks, or strolling along the Marina.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania new york city
Cool, cosmopolitan, crowded, constantly evolving … the Big Apple blends big-city splendor with small-town charm. Amid Gotham's iconic landmarks and towering skyscrapers, you'll experience a vibrant culture permeating each of the city's distinctive neighborhoods and boroughs. Follow trendsetters to the East Village and Brooklyn to check out indie boutiques, iconic bakeries and trendy coffee shops. Afterward, peruse the racks of the sleek shops lining Fifth Avenue, admire the cutting-edge art collections at the MoMa and the Met, catch a memorable show on Broadway or sit down for a meal at the latest "it" restaurant.

1. Choose one place where you would really want to go.
2. In groups: make a poster, present fun activities, facts about that place.
3. Present it.

much food = no good

Precisely.  What does Christmas mean to you?

Dinner tables full of food? Turkeys, mince pies, puddings – all set with a Christmas tree in the background.

It’s a common image this time of year; but it often ends in huge amounts of food being wasted.

There is a cultural threat indeed as far as plenty of commercials tell you:

Buy tone of food. Be happy (and fat).

They always forget to mention: and throw it away later, you idiot.

Our close friends, Brits suggest that last year, 4.2 million Christmas dinners were wasted across the United Kingdom, according to Unilever.

The figure is the equivalent to:
263,000 turkeys;
7.5 million mince pies;
740,000 slices of Christmas pudding;
17.2 million Brussels sprouts;
11.9 million carrots
11.3 million roast potatoes.

Each host spends an average of £112 on food alone, which amounts to £64 million of squandered food each Christmas.

What about you, America? Going to do anything?

What would be a positive kind of competition with the Islanders is to beat them at the lowering this amount.

Task to do: If left with too much Christmas food, go volunteering, support the homeless.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year's Eve in "Big Apple"

As the new year approaches, New York City gets ready for its annual New Year's Eve in Times Square celebration. The famous ball drop atop One Times Square has been a tradition dating back to 1906. Each year, over one million people descend upon Times Square to party and experience this free and memorable event!

While NYE in Times Square may be the most famous New York event and celebration, the Big Apple plays host to hundreds of the best New Year's Eve parties each year. With many of the NYC bars and New York City nightclubs throwing their own New Year's party, NYC tourists in town for NYE have a huge selection of NYC events to choose from.

What to do on New Year's Eve in New York?

You would be surprise in how many ways you can celebrate New Year's Eve in one city, here are only 7 of them.

The Ball Drop at Times Square

So you went to the ball drop. We can’t really blame you—it’s New York's (and arguably the world’s) most iconic New Year’s Eve celebration. The ball drops from the top of One Times Square and is best seen from the north, up Broadway between 43rd and 50th, and on Seventh Avenue between 43rd and 59th. Arrive early (really, really early), dress warmly (do not be ashamed to wear multiple pairs of mittens), and bring plenty of snacks and water. Keep in mind that there’s no alcohol allowed in any New York City public space and—perhaps more importantly—there will no public, portable restrooms in Times Square either.

New York Harbor Fireworks

Fireworks are launched from multiple places once the clock strikes midnight—even at Times Square, but it’s so bright and loud there already you probably won't notice. The most picturesque of these presentations is certainly the show over New York Harbor, which are set off from Liberty Island. They can be viewed from downtown Manhattan’s Battery Park, the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, or by boat in the harbor. Several companies offer cruise packages for the evening with food and drinks, though they can be pricey. If you’re on a budget, hop aboard the cheapest cruise in town: the free Staten Island ferry.

Grand Army Plaza Fireworks

Though Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza doesn’t have the water-bound drama of the Statue of Liberty, it’s pound for pound the most charming fireworks display in New York City. Set against the backdrop of the triumphal Beaux-Arts Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch, Prospect Park, and the bronze gateway of the Brooklyn Public Library Central Branch, it’s also the celebration that’s the most neighborhood-oriented. Hosted by the Brooklyn borough president and the Prospect Park Alliance, the party starts up at 11pm with live music and free hot chocolate. Fireworks go off at midnight.

Central Park Fireworks

The Central Park fireworks display is visible from just about everywhere in the park, or from any location where a good portion of the park is visible. Though it’s not exactly picnic weather come December 31, there are plenty of well-lit, lively, and pretty places in the park to settle in for the show. Unlike Times Square, Central Park food and drink vendors will still be serving hot warm snacks and sips to visitors. The fireworks are set off from the Naumburg Bandshell around 70th Street, just south of the Bethesda Fountain.

Time’s Up New Year’s Eve Ride

The environmental organization Time’s Up organizes a free ride (bikes and skates welcome) from Washington Square Park to Central Park’s Belvedere Castle. Bikers and skaters leave from Washington Square at 10 PM. Alternate start points depart from the Brooklyn entrance of the Williamsburg Bridge at 9:45 PM and Madison Square Park at 10:20 PM. If wheels really aren't your thing, you can always just show up to the Belvedere Castle at a quarter to midnight. Participants and spectators are encouraged to dress appropriately, and to bring along food and drink. Expect a wild, albeit chilly, open air dance party at the end. You'll even get to enjoy those epic Central Park fireworks exploding overhead.

Phish at Madison Square Garden

Phish’s marathon New Year’s Eve concerts at Madison Square Garden are the stuff of legend. They’ve appeared at the iconic venue on December 31 at least nine times since 1995, and are likely to return most years—if not all. Regularly stretching their performances across several hours and, in 2015, three sets and an encore, you can count on having a full night. It's the perfect way to ring in the New Year if that’s your kind of an idea.

The Poetry Project’s Marathon Reading

Admittedly, this event takes place on January 1. But what better way to cure your hangover than with poetry? The Poetry Project’s New Year’s Day Poetry Marathon, first established in 1974 by poet Anne Waldman, has hosted luminaries like Eileen Myles, Patti Smith, Philip Class, Yoko Ono, Kathy Aker, Amiri Baraka, and Allen Ginsberg. Tickets are $25, but the program lasts all day—from 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. Stay as long or as little as you like: either way, you’re bound to hear something of interest.
Answear in 10-15 sentcences: What is your favourite way of spending New Year's Eve? What kind of an entertainment in NYC would you choose?