Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve's Nigthmare

Not every tradition is in fact a tradition and not every tradition is good for everyone. Unfortunatelly many cultures maintain traditions that are even harmful esspecially for animals.

That is the case with loud celebrations of Christmas Eve, New Year Day and New Year's Eve. For large percentage of dogs New Year's Eve is one of the most frigthening nights in the whole year.

Every year, after fireworks displays, many of these animals are found on the steet simply because they escaped their homes. Then numerous desperate calls for help with finding the missing puppy can be seen. What is the worst there are even cases deaths from heart attacs amoung dogs.

Why are the dogs scared of fireworks?

One of the teories claims that the noise of firework causes increasing of the blood preasure in dog's ears and due to their enormous irritability provokes pain.

How to help my dog on New Year's Eve?

Unfortunatelly, the only thing we can do is minimalizing the stress our dogs have to come through.

Here are some helpful advices:

1. Get prepared. If it's possible ask your vet for tranquillizer. For many pets it is the best option because they let it sleep through the most stessful period.

2. Find a safe place, in which the dog can wait through the display. Preferably a room with covered windows, so the pet wouldn't see the flash of fireworks.

3. Turn on the TV or radio in order to drown out the bangs.

4. If the dog is willing to eat give it something tasty to chew.

5. Try to remain calm. Your mood is affects the mood of your pet. Do not try to calm down your dog by force. It will only show it that its fear is well-grounded.

What fireworks symbolize to people is fun. But to many animals they are pure nightmare.
Make a geasture! Don't buy fireworks this year!

TASK: Describe your experience with difficult for animals situations or events.

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