Thursday, December 15, 2016

The leader that Americans would like to have instead of Trump

The last presidential election in the US spelled a lot of negativity. Many people declared that they would move to Canada if Donald Trump won. Now that he won, what really is there to be envy of?

Justin Trudeau might be the reason. The prime minister of Canada is more of a rock star than a typical polititian. Since 2015 when he has won elections, he displayed of big of a personality he is. Not only he posed shirtless on numerous occasions (cough), but he has shown substantial knowledge on various topics. Notably, he answered to a joke-question on a conference in Waterloo from one of reporters about quantum computing

Apart from that, Trudeau has features of character that all the people who didn't vote for Trump love. He is a true liberal that backs a pro-choice abortion policy, legalization of cannabis (in order to control the drug and put on a tax on it, also to prevent children to use it). Also what is interesting, Trudeau said: "I am a feminist. I'm proud to be a feminist.". After winning the election, he had chosen many women to his cabinet. When asked by a reporter why did he think that gender parity was important while naming his cabinet he responded: "Because it's 2015".

I recommend you to check out some of his interview and share comments about Justin Trudeau. Would he be a better president for the US than Donald Trump? Should the Americans escape ASAP to their Canadian friends? :)

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