Saturday, December 31, 2016


You drink it every morning. Sometimes you almost literary melt over its smell and taste. But heve you ever wondered where it comes from? Who discovered it? We are of course speaking of... coffee. Don't forget to make yourself one cup before reading any further. :)

1. Coffee is a fruit
Yes, that's right. Coffee beans are in fact berry pips. Coffee berries are edible fruits, which grow on coffee tree. But the pips are what we use to create black brew.

2. Until death... or lack of coffee parts us
As we all know morning coffee is what helps bulding relations. But formely in Turkey a husband was responsible for provision of coffee supplies for his wife. If he ever neglected this duty, the case could end up in divorce.

3. Brasil is the largest coffee producer in the world
In 2011 Brasil produced over twice as much coffee as Wietnam and Columbia together. Invariably, for 150 years third part of coffee in the world. At the same time, it is the only country in the world that produces as well Arabica and Robusta.

4. In order to overdose caffeine you would have to drink 100 cups of coffee or 60 espressos
Unbelivable! Usually after 3-4 cups ones eyes are very wide open and shivers start. Can you imagine what could happen after 90?

5. There are two types of coffee beans
Arabica and Robusta, that is what they're called. They have different taste and caffeine content. Arabica is much more popular - its drunk by 70% of coffee-drinkers. Robusta has not so many lovers, although it contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica.

6. First web-cam was created in order to monitor coffee level in a pot on Cambrige University
In 1991 this device was used by eployees of IT Department to check if their coffe pot already needs refilling or not.

7. The word 'coffee' comes from Arabic 'qahhwat al-bun', what means 'wine from the pips'

8. Coffee is second the most wanted commodity and second most important drink in the world.

9. Coffee was orignaly a food
First African tribes did not create caffeine drinks like we do. Their 'coffee' was the beans mixed with fat. That way they created something called 'energetic balls', which they consumed in order to 'power up'

10. Coffee was discovered by... GOATS
According to legends, this magnificent brew was discovered by Etiopian shephard. He saw goats dancing after consumption of coffee berries.

TASK: What is your favourite drink? Decribe it's history.

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