Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas tree

Although Christmas has already passed many of us sill have some symbols of that special time in our homes. Probably the major one is Christmas tree. But do you know where the tradition of evergreen tree comes from and how was it introduced into traditional Christian feast?

In many cultures a tree, esspecially conifers, is considered the symbol of life and re-born, lasting and fertility.

As a Christmas tree it started to be used in 16th century. This tradition has it's begginings in Alsace, where the trees were dressed in paper and fruit decorations as a commemoration of Heavenly tree. Soon after, the custom was taken over by Catholic church, which spread it among Noth and Central Europe.

Symbolism of Christmas tree and the decorations has it's roots in folk tradition:
- Star of Bethlehem, which was put at the top of the tree since last century, was meant to help travellers come back home from remote places.
- Christmas lights has protected people from the dark forces. In Christian tradition it was a symbol of Christ, the ligth for Gentiles.
- Apples were symbolizing biblical fruit consumed by Adam and Eve.
- Nuts, usually covered with tinsel were belived to give weath and strength.
- Paper wreaths were a reminder of our sins which captivate us.
- Bells mean good news and joyful events.
- Angels were hanged on the Christmas tree to protect the house and all household .
- The tree itself symbolizes Christ as the Source of Life.

TASK: Describe some unique Christmas tradition you (your family/region/country) have.

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