Monday, December 19, 2016

America and Poland

We may think that The United States of America and Poland are two totally different countries and in deed, they are. There are 7 189 km between Washington and Warsaw, there are 6 hours difference between those two cities and so many things in between. 
Are you interested how American feels in Poland?
Watch this short movie and decide how would you feel in a country that is not much alike yours.

Looking through some forums dedicated to differences between Americans and Poles I found few things that may be interesting. Americans may seem a little bit lazier, they use cars much more often and when they go shopping they buy products for a whole week or more, whereas Poles prefer to go shopping more often buying less things. Shops themselves are a little bit different. In the U.S.A there are huge shops with everything and in Poland there are many separated shops e.g. with cosmetics, electronics etc.
People are different too. Americans are more open, they can say to a stranger "Hello, how are you?" whereas in Poland people are not so out-going to accost strangers. But of course it does not mean that Poles are unfriendly, they just need more time.

Try to imagine yourself being in America, how would you feel and what could shock you the most.

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