Thursday, December 1, 2016

Christmas in the United States

Christmas is the annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and it is celebrated by billions of people around the world, but every country has its own traditions and ways of enjoying these special days. 

 Nativity tree2011.jpg

USA culture is based on many different cultures and traditions of its citizens and that is why it differs depending on families, but nowadays Christmas is mostly commercialized. I do not want to criticize Americans because for me also the most important aspect of Christmas is spending time with family and friends but it is important to know that it becomes less religious now. As I wrote above, Americans love to meet their friends and relatives, even if they live in a different state, but what they sometimes enjoy even more is giving presents. The season for buying the gifts starts just after the Black Friday, many shops offer special prices in the early mornings. Americans cannot imagine their Christmas without many present under the Christmas tree. It is also very popular to bring a small gift for the co-workers and neighbours, the most popular are these that are handmade, e.g. cookies

Americans buy Christmas trees pretty soon, some of them even in the end of November - in many houses it is placed just after the Thanksgiving. People in USA decorate also their houses and gardens with colored lights, tinsel, reindeers, angels, stars, snowmen and many bright ornaments - USA is the leader in that matter, the best decorations could be even seen in the Polish news.

Because Americans like to meet with friends, many companies organize meetings and Christmas parties, in which workers can listen to the concerts, mostly the choirs singing Christmas songs. 

What is different from Polish celebration is that in USA the Christmas lasts practically only one day, which is the 25th of December. On the 26th of December they already come back to work and hide all the Christmas decorations. Americans start to prepare for the New Year's Eve. Children are tought that Santa Claus comes with presents at night on the 24th of December and leaves the gifts under the tree, he also eats cookies and drinks milk left for him by the family. Of course he gets into the house by the chimney! Children open their presents in the morning, on 25th of December and the same day there is a family dinner that includes turkey or ham, potatoes and pie. The menu also consists of a lot of desserts such as the 'Crostoli'. Adults drink eggnog - a drink made of cream, milk, sugar, beaten eggs and brandy or rum.

Task: Write a description of how you celebrate Christmas in your family, you can compare it with the American way of celebration.

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